Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Sulčič, Viktorija. 2010. Business Student Collaborative Work Supported by Moodle Wiki. CSEDU 2010 – 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Proceeding, vol. 2; pp. 213–219.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

The key factors for acquired knowledge through e-learning

Sulčič, Viktorija. 2010. The key factors for acquired knowledge through e-learning. International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), 2010, Vol. 7 No. 3. pp. 290–302.

The key factors for acquired knowledge through e-learning

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

E-learning and Study Effectiveness

Sulčič, Viktorija in Dušan Lesjak. 2009. E-learning and Study Effectiveness. The Journal of Computer Information Systems. Vol. 49, No. 3 (Spring 2009). pp. 40-47.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Can Online Tutors Improve the Quality of E-Learning?

Sulčič, Viktorija in Alja, Sulčič. 2007. Can Online Tutors Improve the
Quality of E-Learning?
In InSITE 2007 / Informing Science + IT Education
Joint Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 22-25, 2007. - Santa Rosa, CA : Informing Science Institute, 2007. - pp. 133.

Abstract: In the paper we tried to present online tutoring as a solution to quality issues of e-learning that e-learning providers from all over the world are facing. We also briefly presented different roles of online tutors and the skills needed to perform these roles successfully. The online tutoring system was introduced to support students of e-learning courses at our faculty. Through various researches we tried to ascertain the impact online tutors have on student activity and study success. Our researches showed that tutors can improve study outcomes (although not so much students’ grades) and that their activity is well accepted by students (especially part-time students). Finally, we tried to combine all of our findings in a model for online tutoring that tries to identify the key elements and skills tutors need for an efficient support of e-learning delivery.

Can Online Tutors Improve the Quality of E-Learning?

Blogging in tertiary education

Sulčič, Viktorija. 2008. Blogging in tertiary education. In Proceedings of the IADIS international conference. Freiburg : IADIS, 2008. pp. 27-33.

Because blogging is spreading around the world we implemented it in a renewed e-business postgraduate course. In the paper, a short blog history is presented and its usage in education. At our faculty, blogging was implemented as a study activity to supports a postgraduate student research work. According to the survey results blogging helps students to become more familiar with blogging, which represent well known Web 2.0 technologies, to help them acquire materials
for their research assignments and to extend their knowledge. Blogging also helps them to work online more efficiently.

Blogging in tertiary education

Moodling in a Business School in Slovenia

Sulčič, Viktorija and Alja Sulčič. 2008. Moodling in a Business School in Slovenia. In Koper : Fakulteta za management Koper, 2008. pp. 160-166.

Abstract: In the paper we presented the continuous adoption of the Moodle system at the Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia. We presented our experiences in using Moodle to support e-learning, teacher and tutor training, project management and the building of a community of Slovenian Moodle users. In this presentation we focused on presenting the pedagogical approach to using Moodle for e-learning. Finally, we also presented some of the future plans with using Moodle at our faculty.

Moodle 2008

Doktorska disertacija/Doctoral Thesis



Raziskavo dejavnikov učinkovitega kombiniranega e-izobraževanja smo zasnovali na izsledkih raziskav o ovirah za vključitev in uspešen konec izobraževanj prek interneta (online izobraževanj). Velik osip udeležencev tovrstnih izobraževanj vse izobraževalne institucije postavlja pred iskanje primernega načina e-izobraževanja za posamezno okolje. V raziskavi smo proučevali 25 dejavnikov učinkovitega kombiniranega e-izobraževanja (model DUKeI), ki so bili razdeljeni v osem skupin. Z metodo glavnih komponent smo posamezne dejavnike združevali ter ugotavljali vpliv na oceno predmeta ali na mnenje o pridobljenem znanju. V končnem modelu desetih dejavnikov smo z regresijsko analizo ugotovili, da izvedba e-izobraževanja, vloga mentorja in izhodne značilnosti statistično značilno vplivajo na mnenje o pridobljenem znanju in da variabilnost teh treh ključnih spremenljivk pojasni 52,2 % variabilnosti mnenja o pridobljenem znanju. V raziskavi smo potrdili, rezultate nekaterih prejšnjih raziskav, da je informacijsko komunikacijska-tehnologija (IKT) le sredstvo za izvedbo e-izobraževanja in nima ključnega vpliva na učinkovitost e-izobraževanja.

Sklepna razmišljanja


The research of factors of effective blended learning was based on the results of some previously made researches about e-learning completion barriers. High drop-out rates of different online courses force educational institutions into searching for proper e-learning forms for each individual environment. In our research 25 factors of effective blended learning (the DUKeI model) that were divided in 8 groups were investigated. The principal components method was used to join different factors and ascertain their effect on students' course grades or their perception of gained knowledge. In the final 10 factors model we used regression analysis to find out that three factors statistically significantly effect the perception of gained knowledge: e-learning delivery, the role of the online tutor and outgoing students characteristics. These three factors can explain 52,2 % of the variability found in students' perception of gained knowledge. The main conclusion of our research, which is also in concordance with previous research results, was that information and communication technology (ICT) is only an e-learning tool and has no significant impact on the effectiveness of e-learning.

E-business in Slovenian SMEs

Sulčič, Viktorija in Dušan Lesjak. 2008. E-business in Slovenian SMEs. In Issues in Information Systems 2008. Vol. IX. No. 2, p. 439–444.

Abstract: Small and the medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are socially and economically very important since they represent 99% of all enterprises in the EU and 96.2% of all enterprises in Slovenia. In the paper, the comparison of the e-business in Slovenian and in the EU countries is presented. Not only infrastructure is needed to extend e-business among SMEs what could be the case among Slovenian SMEs. Even if the broadband access to the Internet in Slovenia is not a problem anymore, B2B e-business is not spread among Slovenian SMEs as it is in EU countries. On the other hand, B2G and C2G services are more spread among Slovenian enterprises and even among individuals than among the subjects in the EU countries.

Blended learning and study effectiveness

Sulčič, Viktorija in Dušan, Lesjak. 2007. Blended learning and study effectiveness. In Issues in information systems. 1–2(8) pp. 127–133.

Abstract: After the initial e-learning enthusiasm, we have finally reached a stage of sobriety (similar to the burst of the bubble in business). The research results presented in the paper bellow showed that ICT per se does not improve e-learning effectiveness. In the paper, a case of blended learning approach in higher education is presented. The presentation is part of a wider research made by our institution, which showed that only using different teaching strategies (methods of teaching and learning) from those used in traditional education can improve study effectiveness in e-learning.

Blended learning and study effectiveness

Tutoring system as an efficient blended learning approach

Sulčič, Viktorija. 2007. Tutoring system as an efficient blended learning approach. In Proceedings of the IADIS international conference Vol. 1 . pp. 51–58.

Abstract: Existing researches show that the development of multimedia online course demands huge staff efforts and results in no significant difference in study outcomes. Besides, the dropout rates in online courses are usually higher than in traditional education. At our faculty several researches were made to ascertain the most efficient way of e-learning in a smaller educational environment, in which the number of students is smaller than in environments where existing e-learning researches were made.

In this paper the results from our researches related to e-learning costs are presented. We found out that even if the number of students is not as high that as in existing researches, introducing e-learning can be cost-efficient and that students can also gain more knowledge in e-learning courses. At the first stage of the introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) in education the institution needs to invest some time and money in quality tutor training. The tutor's role, normally played by an asistent, has in fact proved to be one of the factors of efficient e-learning found in our research. After the tutors' training, the courses can be developed and performed with lower costs and have significant impact on study outcomes.

Can online tutors improve the quality of e-learning?

Sulčič, Viktorija in Alja Sulčič. 2007. Can online tutors improve the quality of e-learning? In Journal of issues in informing science and information technology 4. pp. 201–210.

Abstract: In the paper we tried to present online tutoring as a solution to quality issues of e-learning that e-learning providers from all over the world are facing. We also briefly presented different roles of online tutors and the skills needed to perform tutoring roles successfully. The online tutoring system was also introduced to support students of e-learning courses at our faculty. Through various researches we tried to present the impact of online tutors on student activity and study success. Our researches showed that tutors can improve study outcomes (although not so much student's grades) and that their activity is well accepted by students (especially part-time students). Finally, we tried to combine all our findings in a model for online tutoring that tries to explain the key elements and skills tutors need for an efficient support of e-learning delivery.

Is e-learning more suitable for full-time or for part-time students?

Sulčič, Viktorija. 2007. Is e-learning more suitable for full-time or for part-time students? In Technologies for Business Information Systems. Heidelberg: Springer.

Abstract: E-learning was first introduced at the Faculty of Management (FM) in the academic year 2002/2003. Until now the same course has been carried out for full-time and part-time students. The course was supported by a virtual learning environment. The blended learning approach was used as the e-learning model. The teacher's assessments were based on students' weekly activities and achievements. Differences between groups of students and the differences caused by using a different blended learning approach will be presented bellow. Apart from the differences that were found, some common characteristics arose; namely students appreciating the introduction of innovative learning methods and the tutor's support in the e-classroom. Considering the students' appreciation of the introduction of e-learning, further development of e-learning practices is recommended. Online training courses for teachers and tutors are being organized at the faculty and further research regarding the impact of e-classroom usage on all participants of e-learning are being carried out at this moment.

Presence of e-learning in Slovenian Higher Educational Institutions

Sulčič, Viktorija in Dušan Lesjak. 2006. Presence of e-learning in Slovenian Higher Educational Institutions. In Issues in Information Systems, 1–2(7). pp 373–378.

Abstract: In 2003 and 2004, research on information and communication technology (ICT) presence and usage was conducted among tertiary education institutions in Slovenia. The basic purpose of the research was to draw up indicators for EU comparisons, following the requirements of Eurostat. The paper mainly presents findings from the second study, in which 85% Slovenian higher education institutions responded to the mail survey. Some interesting findings arose between private and public schools and across study fields as well. The majority of students in Slovenia study at public schools. Business studies are the most popular field for Slovenian students. Business schools are much better equipped than other schools and therefore have better conditions for e-learning. In fact e-learning is more often used at business schools than elsewhere. The research indicated that school management is aware of the opportunities brought by e-learning and its strategic impact for the further development of institutions. Therefore the situation in Slovenia is mature for further e-learning development.

Computer Literacy of Students in Slovenia (Improvements and Comparison)

Lesjak, Dušan, Vasja Vehovar, Cene Bavec in Viktorija Sulčič. 2002. Computer Literacy of Students in Slovenia (Improvements and Comparison). In Issues in Information Systems 2002. Vol. 3..

Abstract: Computer literacy is considered to be one of the main driving forces in transition to the information society, for that reason it is in the focus of national education policies in all European countries. Recent research in Slovenia points two main issues influence computer literacy of Slovenian students – penetration of IT, i.e. personal computers and Internet on the one hand and secondary school informatics courses on the other hand. After mid nineties there were some positive changes in both areas, which was the reason for a survey in which we explored the computer literacy of students from two perspectives – as a comparison of the results obtained between 2001 and 1999 and as a comparison of the result, obtained from two Universities and a college from three different Slovenian regions.

Internet based distance post-secondary education in Slovenia

Sulčič, Viktorija. 2002. Internet based distance post-secondary education in Slovenia. In Issues in Information Systems 2002. Vol. 3..

Abstract: The presence and the expansion of Internet based distance education (online DE) are one of the characteristics of the information society by whish we can estimate the lavel of its development. We have witnessed many changes in Slovenia in the last decade and therefore we were interested in acceptability (and readiness) of Slovene students for Internet based DE, especially because the Internet has so successfuly penetrated into the Slovene society.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Beginnings of internet based distance education in Slovenia

Dušan Lesjak in Viktorija Sulčič. 2001. Beginnings of internet based distance education in Slovenia. In Issues in Information Systems 2001. Vol. 2.

Abstract: Presence or expansion of internet based distance education (DE) is one of the characteristics of the information society by which we can estimate the level of its development. As we witnessed many changes in Slovenia in the last decade we were interested in what is happening in DE arena especially because internet has so successfully penetrating into the Slovene society.